


China's five-day May Day holiday saw the return of millions of domestic visitors to various attractions. Among the scenic spots swarmed with tourists, the homes of giant pandas were the top destination of visitors.



A number of people have been barred from a panda sanctuary in Sichuan province, or have received warnings, for uncivilized behavior during the May Day holiday. Breaches triggering these kinds of penalties included throwing items like candy wrappers or bottled water at China's much-loved national treasure. Others have been punished because they failed to police their children's behavior, or even indulged it, the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding stated.


One 65-year-old was banned from visiting the sanctuary for life after she threw a corncob into an outdoor space, that was eaten by a panda, according to statements posted by the sanctuary on its WeChat account." After observation, the panda is in normal condition," it said.


Another 38-year-old woman subject to the boycott was found on Friday throwing bamboo shoots into an outdoor rest area for adult pandas, according to statements posted by the sanctuary on its WeChat account. A 55-year-old woman was caught throwing candy wrappers into the area the same day, the statements said. In both cases, the staff immediately removed the items before any harm could occur, and criticized those involved on the spot. The two women have been banned from visiting the sanctuary for a year.

通報中也有包含小朋友及監護人員不文明行為的處理決定。一小朋友(監護人:吳某某 29歲),5月2日在熊貓基地參觀時,往成年大熊貓別墅室外活動場內拋擲礦泉水瓶。工作人員發現後立即對其及其家長進行現場批評教育,並將雜物清理出室外活動場。經核實,大熊貓並未接觸該物品。鑑於該遊客系第1次違反熊貓基地相關規定,且為未成年人,已進行嚴重警告1次。若再次發現其在熊貓基地參觀時,出現不文明行為,將禁止其及其監護人1年內再次入園。

Those penalized also include visitors with children. On Tuesday, a child threw plastic bottles into the area, and the child's caretaker, a 29-year-old woman, was given a "serious warning". "Since it was the minor's first breach, they received a severe warning. If the child violates the rules again, both the children and their guardian will be banned from the park for a year," the park said in a statement.



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