提出 EPF 公積金存款的 15 個方法


馬來西亞雇員公積金會員 EPF 的戶口分為第一戶口 (Akaun 1) 和第二戶口 (Akaun 2). 第一戶口的存款數額是整個戶口的70%,而第二戶口則是30%。第一戶口內的存款是名副其實的養老金或退休金,年齡還未達55歲退休年齡是不被允許提領第一戶口的存款。


Types Of Withdrawals 提領存款情況 

  1. Age 50 Years Withdrawal 50歲提款
  2. Age 55 Years Withdrawal 55歲提款
  3. Withdrawal to Reduce / Redeem Housing Loan 一次過繳清 / 減低房屋貸款
  4. Incapacitation Withdrawal 喪失工作能力提款
  5. Leaving Country Withdrawal 移民提款
  6. Education Withdrawal 教育經費提款
  7. Pensionable Employees Withdrawal And Optional Retirement Withdrawal 公務員可領退休金提款
  8. Members’ Savings Investment Withdrawal 投資提款
  9. Withdrawal to Purchase / Build a House 買房頭期提款
  10. Withdrawal Of Savings Of More Than RM1 Million 存款達100萬時提款
  11. Housing Loan Monthly Installment Withdrawal 房屋供期提款
  12. Death Withdrawal 死亡提款
  13. Flexible Housing Withdrawal 房屋伸縮性提款
  14. Health Withdrawal 醫藥提款
  15. Haji Withdrawal 朝聖提款

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