
分量: 4 – 5人份需時: 45分鐘

材料A:雞腿 – 2隻 (剁塊)醬油 – 1湯匙蚝油 – 1湯匙粟粉 – 1茶匙鹽 – ½ 茶匙*

材料B:蒜 – 5瓣 (去衣拍扁)小蔥頭 – 5粒 (去衣切薄片)九層塔 – 1把/ 10支(去支留葉)辣椒干 – 10條 (泡軟去籽切段)水 – 1碗(蓋過雞)黑醬油 – 1 茶匙油 – 1湯匙

准備功夫:1. 把材料A混合,醃30分鐘

煮法:1. 燒熱鍋加油,蒜,小蔥頭,辣椒干爆香2. 倒入雞塊,炒至變色3. 加入黑醬油,倒入水(蓋過雞肉), 炒均4. 轉中小火,加蓋煮20分鐘5. 起蓋*轉大火,加入九層塔,快炒30秒6. 熄火,上桌


The aromatic basil is like the durian of herbs, you either love it or hate it, what say you?

Portion: 4-5 paxTime required: 45 minutes

Ingredients (Set A):2 drumstick (cut it)1 tbsp soy sauce1 tbsp oyster sauce1 tsp cornstarch½ tsp salt*

Ingredients (Set B):5 cloves of garlic (peel off skin, flatten it)5 cloves of shallot (peel off skin, slice it)1 strand of basil (use leaves only)10 dried chilli (soak, remove seeds, slice it)1 bowl of water (enough to submerge the chicken)1 tsp dark soy sauce1 tbsp oil

Preparations:1. Mix all ingredients stated in Set A well and marinate for 30 minutes

Steps:1. Heat the wok with oil, add in garlic, shallot, dried chilli and saute2. Add in chicken drumstick, fry until it turns golden pown3. Add in dark soy sauce, add in water enough to soak the chicken, fry evenly4. Switch to medium heat, cover with a lid and cook for 20 minutes5. Lift the lid*, switch to high heat, add in basil, fry quickly for 30 seconds6. Turn off the gas, it’s done!

* Tips: Season with salt if you prefer salty, or season with sugar if you prefer sweet

Music by Ikson – Last Summer
