最近美國一網友發帖詢問“250在中文中是什麼意思呢?”(What's the meaning of 250 in Chinese?),引起了該網站的中國網友為他答疑解惑。


網友1、一隻小奶牛, knows Chinese

Answered Sun

It comes from the story of the qin dynasty in China. The state of qin destroyed six other countries and unified the earliest China, but one of the king's courtiers was assassinated. The king of qin was very sad.

So it decided to use a plot to find the man who had killed his minister, so he put up a notice at the gate of the city, saying that the king of qin hated the minister most, and he was very glad that he had helped the king of qin to kill the minister. The king of qin decided to reward the assassin with 1,000 gold pieces.

On the second day, four people came to admit that they had killed the minister, and the king of qin received them with anger. They fought in the hall, and the four assassins remembered and testified that they had killed themselves.

The king of qin looked at them for a long time and then said, "drag the four 250 all out to kill."

Life in China is used to describe people who don't think about problems.






網友2、Victor Zhang, former Engineer at Tencent (2013-2017)

Answered Sat

List some numbers which have developed special meaning in Chinese:

250: a stupid person

555: Crying

3q: Thank you

2B: Fxxking Moron

B4: Scorn

V5/V587: Powerful and dominated

88: Bye Bye

520: I love you

666: Amazing, Incredible, Good play!

1314: life long promise - usually between lovers



250: 一個愚蠢的人

555: 哭泣

3q: 謝謝

2B: 白痴

B4: 鄙視

V5/V587: 威武/威武霸氣

88: 拜拜

520: 我愛你


1314: 一生一世的承諾- 經常用於愛人間


網友3、Weixu Lu, knows Chinese

Answered Sun

It means “a person who lacks mental agility”, not quite the same as “stupid”.

In addition, we rarely use the Arabic number 250 in writing. It's almost always written as 二百五, because 250 is usually pronounced as 二百五十,which doesn't carry the same meaning.



網友4、Xue Li, Translator

Answered Sat

It means FOOL. BUT I don't know why does this number mean fool. 88 means BYE because the pronunciation is similar. 233 means lol and this is from Internet slang. 666 means pretty cool and the reason is same as 88. Hope this answer helped you
