
▼其實要寫出一封易讀易懂又專業得體的英文email,只需要記得這個要訣:【K-I-S-S】,全文是「Keep It Short and Simple」,意思是盡量簡短,不要有太多繁雜的單字混在裡面。


1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you…我寫信時要確認/詢問/通知你…

2. I am writing in reference to …我寫這封信是關於 …

3.We hear from…(已知道對方的問題)我方得知…

4. In response to your letter…(回覆對方的詢問)回覆您的來信…


1. Thank you for your email.謝謝你的來信。

2. Thanks for your reply.謝謝你的回覆。

3. Thank you for sending me…謝謝你寄給我…

4. Your prompt response will be most appreciated.很感激你快速的答復。

5. I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.我很感激你對這件事情的理解。

6. Thank you for your time and consideration.感謝您的寶貴時間。

7. Thank you for reaching out to us regarding …感謝您主動聯絡我們…

8. Please convey my thanks to all the staff involved, they certainly did an excellent job.請傳達我的謝意給有關的同事,他們真的做得很好。

9. Thank you so much for inviting me.非常感謝您邀請我。

10. Thank you very much for everything you’ve done for me.謝謝你為我做的一切。

11. I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.我很感激你對這件事情的理解。


1. Could we get together and discuss it a little more?我們可否見面時再多討論一下?

2. I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet you at your office.能不能在您辦公室見個面?

3. I’d like to see you tomorrow if you have time.如果您有空,我想明天跟您見個面。

4. Would you arrange a formal appointment for us?您能為我們安排一個正式的會議嗎?

▼約定會面(Arrange of an appointment)

1. When can we meet to talk?什麼時候我們能見面談談?

2. When is it convenient for you?什麼時候會較為方便您?

▼確定會面時間(Comfirm for an appointment)

1. Anytime you say.什麼時候都可以。

2. Just give me a call before you come over.您來之前打個電話給我就可以了。

3. See you soon.不久之後見。

▼取消會面(Cancel the appointment)

1. I am afraid I couldn’t make it.我恐怕無法到達。

2. I am not sure about it. Can I inform you later this week?這件事我不確定,我可以本周晚一點通知您嗎?

▼更改、延後會面(Reschedule 、 Postpone)

1. Can we make our appointment a little later?我們的約會可以往後延期嗎?

2. Could you change the schedule for me?您能幫我更改日程嗎?

3. Would you like to reschedule the appointment?您要重訂會面時間嗎?

4. I prefer not to postpone the schedule.我比較傾向不要延後行程。


1. My proposal is that…我的提議是…

2. Here is what I propose…以下是我的提議…


1. Please answer promptly.請立即回覆。

2. Please keep me informed on the matter.請隨時讓我知道這件事的發展。


1. We still feel sorry for the trouble that has caused you much inconvenience.我們仍然很抱歉對您造成這麼多不方便的困擾。

2. We reiterate that we will make every effort to avoid similar mistake in our future transactions.我們重申我們會盡一切努力,去避免未來處理事務時發生類似的錯誤。

3. Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble.希望不會為您帶來太多的麻煩。

4. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.對於產生任何不便,我們感到抱歉。


1. be looking forward to …(期待語句)靜待得到…

2. Please tell… us…(要求語句)請告訴…我…

3. Will you please…(詢問語句)能請您…

4. I look forward to hearing from you.我很期待能夠收到您的回覆。

5. We solicit your close cooperation with us in this matter.我們懇求您對於此一事件能給予協助和合作。

6. We hope to be of service to you and look forward to your comments.以上希望能對您有所幫助,也靜待您的指教(意見)。

7. Please call me any time if you have any questions.如果你有任何問題,歡迎您隨時打電話給我。

8. Looking forward to entering into a business relationship with you.期待與貴公司建立合作關系。

9. We look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you.我們期待您的迴音。


1. I have attached the previously mentioned documents for your review.上述資料已於信末夾帶檔案內附上供您參考。

2. Please review the attached documents thoroughly.請仔細檢視附件。

3. I am enclosing…我附上…



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